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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography B
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 767, Issue 1, Pages 1-189 (5 February 2002)
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Enantioselective analysis of atenolol in biologic fluids: comparison of liquid–liquid and solid-phase extraction methods ARTICLE
Pages 1-9
Maria Helena Iha, Alexandre Souto Martinez and Pierina Sueli Bonato
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Determination of thymol in human plasma by automated headspace solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatographic analysis ARTICLE
Pages 11-18
Claudia Kohlert, Gudrun Abel, Eleonora Schmid and Markus Veit
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High-throughput screening of potential inhibitors for the metabolism of the investigational anti-cancer drug 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid ARTICLE
Pages 19-26
Shufeng Zhou, Daniel Chiang, Rebecca Chin, Philip Kestell and James W. Paxton
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Identification of the major metabolite of 2,5-bis(5-hydroxymethyl-2-thienyl)furan (NSC 652287), an antitumor agent, in the S9 subcellular fraction of dog liver cells ARTICLE
Pages 27-33
Lawrence R. Phillips, Jean L. Jorden, Maria I. Rivera, Kaye Upadhyay, Tracy L. Wolfe and Sherman F. Stinson
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Fast and sensitive capillary electrophoresis method to quantitatively monitor ibuprofen enantiomers released from polymeric drug delivery systems ARTICLE
Pages 35-43
C. Simó, A. Gallardo, J. San Román, C. Barbas and A. Cifuentes
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Separation of human serum transferrins with different iron-binding states by high-performance liquid chromatography using a pyridinium polymer column ARTICLE
Pages 45-51
Kumiko Harada, Akihiko Kuniyasu, Hitoshi Nakayama, Morio Nakayama, Toshiro Matsunaga, Yoshinori Uji, Hiroyuki Sugiuchi and Hiroaki Okabe
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Direct analysis of indomethacin in rat plasma using a column-switching high-performance liquid chromatographic system ARTICLE
Pages 53-60
Shicheng Liu, Manami Kamijo, Toshiyuki Takayasu and Satoshi Takayama
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High-performance liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric and electrochemical detection of a series of manganese(III) cationic porphyrins ARTICLE
Pages 61-67
Remy Kachadourian, Ramil Menzeleev, Bushra Agha, Steve B. Bocckino and Brian J. Day
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Rapid determination of nevirapine in human plasma by gas chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 69-74
Peter Langmann, Diana Schirmer, Thomas Väth, Steffen Desch, Michael Zilly and Hartwig Klinker
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Quantitation of tamsulosin in human plasma by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 75-81
Li Ding, Limin Li, Ping Tao, Jin Yang and Zhengxing Zhang
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Development of a sensitive high-performance thin-layer chromatography method for estimation of ranitidine in urine and its application for bioequivalence decision for ranitidine tablet formulations ARTICLE
Pages 83-91
Shailesh A. Shah, Ishwarsinh S. Rathod, Shrinivas S. Savale and Bipin D. Patel
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Determination of alachlor and its metabolites in rat plasma and urine by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 93-101
Lun-Yi Zang, Jean DeHaven, Aaron Yocum and Guilin Qiao
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Selective high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole in plasma from human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients ARTICLE
Pages 103-110
Cees H. W. Koks, Rolf W. Sparidans, Georgette Lucassen, Kristel M. L. Crommentuyn and Jos H. Beijnen
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Determination of alendronate in human urine as 9-fluorenylmethyl derivative by high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 111-116
P. PtáImageek, J. Klíma and J. Macek
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High-performance liquid chromatographic–tandem mass spectrometric evaluation and determination of stable isotope labeled analogs of rofecoxib in human plasma samples from oral bioavailability studies ARTICLE
Pages 117-129
C. M. Chavez-Eng, M. L. Constanzer and B. K. Matuszewski
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Detection of fenspiride and identification of in vivo metabolites in horse body fluids by capillary gas chromatography–mass spectrometry: administration, biotransformation and urinary excretion after a single oral dose ARTICLE
Pages 131-144
M. C. Dumasia, E. Houghton, W. Hyde, D. Greulich, T. Nelson and Jackie Peterson
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Sensitive and rapid method for the determination of thalidomide in human plasma and semen using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 145-151
Steve K. Teo, Reddy S. Chandula, Jill L. Harden, David I. Stirling and Steve D. Thomas
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Simultaneous determination of cloricromene and its active metabolite in rabbit aqueous humor by high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 153-158
Adriana Maltese and Claudio Bucolo
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High-performance liquid chromatographic assay for the simultaneous determination of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine from whole blood dried onto filter paper SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 159-162
Michael D. Green, Dwight L. Mount and Henry Nettey
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Determination of olanzapine in human blood by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 163-168
M. Berna, B. Ackermann, K. Ruterbories and S. Glass
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Rapid screening of urinary proline–hydroxyproline dipeptide in bone turnover studies SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 169-174
Petr HuImageek, Antonín Pohlídal and David Slabík
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Determination of urinary thiocyanate and nitrate using fast ion-interaction chromatography SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 175-180
Damian Connolly, Leon Barron and Brett Paull
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Instructions to Authors MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 181-189

PDF (468 K)
Publisher's Note PUBLISHER'S NOTE
Page vii

PDF (24 K)
News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N3

PDF (99 K)

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